It always amazes me how much the world can change over a two-hour flight through the darkness of the European sky. One minute I am lugging my bag onto the tube and the next I am holding onto my seat as I fly around a blind curve on the edge of a mountain in Switzerland. Really, travel is quite mind-blowing. Just think that you could walk from Portugal to China and watch culture change 60 times along the way... it's inspiring.
I spent my past weekend with Sam and his aunt Alesia, at her lovely home in Lugano, Switzerland. Amidst a chaos of small windy roads that just had enough space for one and a half cars (despite claims they were two-lane roads) I found a serene getaway from the hustle and bustle of London. Like a toddler sitting at the grown-ups table, I was able to understand little clips of the language here and there, but for the most part found those speaking around me to be white noise. The speedy flutter of Italian was nothing more than a soundtrack to the beautiful scenery and good company.
Feeling through our sense of adventure, Sam and I headed for a hike along the water where we were told some other cool villages could be found. Along the way the sights were pretty spectacular. Homes were just stacked upon one another in a way that is really intriguing. Some homes looked more like a playhouse that a child might dream up as opposed to a legitamate residence. What I would have given to explore some of them...
On Friday we went skiing in the -- get this -- Swiss Alps. I know you're impressed. Somehow the beauty of the Alps managed to surpass expectation by leaps and bounds. There are few sights more incredible than miles and miles of snow covered mountains. It's entirely belittling, so gave me a head full of lofty thoughts. Not much can beat thinking about life, faith and love as you surge 30mph down a mountain - perhaps Swiss chocolate, but not much less.
On the topic of Swiss Chocolate. Yes, it is probably some of the most delicious chocolate I've ever had. And yes, I got loads of it that I plan on bringing back to the states. I might save a bar or two for Halloween and give it out to some lucky trick-or-treater...we'll see.
All in all I really enjoyed Switzerland and Italy. The most credit for my experience goes to Sam and Alesia, who were fantastic travel buddies, hilarious story-tellers, exceptional skiers and all around amazing people. I suppose I must also make a heartfelt mention of Roxie, Alesia's dog, who laid on the rug warming in the sun, squirmed at the thought of getting a treat and let me oodle annoyingly over her cuteness. I miss my dogs, so spending time with one was a treat.
Hopefully if the financial and logistical gods smile upon me I will get a chance to return to Switzerland before I tuck my tail between my legs, lower my ears and head back for the United States.
Its true... the swiss alps are almost as gorgeous as Olivia ;)
Nothing makes a girl swoon like being told she is more attractive than some snow covered rocks. <3 Thanks Sam!
Olivia - have missed your posts recently - thanks for the kind words and you're always welcome to come back - anytime! I'm looking forward to seeing your posts and pictures from Prague! - no pressure!:)
Great experience Olivia. Martini is sleeping in her bed but I know she'd be glad to know of your wonderful experience and excellent hospitality in Switzerland!
Love ya!
Alesia -- I'm working on Prague! I'm doing a movie for it so it's taking some time. With time it'll be up!
Dad - Awww... I miss Martini!
Hope the Gods smile really big upon you.
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